Enhancing the Client Experience


BWFA has occupied our current office space for nine years.  As our client base has grown, the traffic in and out of our meeting rooms has increased substantially, and scheduling of those meetings has occasionally been a challenge.

Recently, we learnned that we would be able to expand our office space by taking over an adjoining suite.  We have decided to take advantage of this opportunity in order create state-of-the-art conference rooms for client meetings and to improve the work space for our growing team of staff members.

We selected an architect and asked him to create three unique conference rooms:

  • Birdsong Conference Room:  The largest of our conference  rooms, the Birdsong Conference Room will seat 30 people, making it large enough to handle a seminar.
  • Washington Room:  The Washington Room will accommodate six people.  We think it will come in handy when we are meeting with an extended family, or when we need to bring in several BWFA experts at the same time to tackle complex issues.
  • Baltimore Room:  The Baltimore Room will be the most intimate room, designed for a maximum of four people.  Working in a smaller space and without distractions, our advisors will be able to focus closely on an individual’s or couple’s needs.

Each of the rooms will have large-screen TV/computer monitors with interactive video telecommunication so we can work with clients throughout the country.

We have asked the designer to use as much glass as possible to maximize natural light in the office.  Wherever possible, we have used environmentally friendly green technology.

In conjunction with our landlord at Symphony Woods, we have set a target date of early summer to complete the renovations.  We look forward to showing it to our clients and visitors.

Every client conversation and every face-to-face meeting is extremely important to us.  Our total commitment includes making our physical space welcoming and productive for our clients’ visits.


Diagram of BWFA’s Expanded Office Suite


new space



By:  Robert G. Carpenter