2012 Year In Review

BWFA Community Outreach

BWFA is proud to support these great organizations that are helping to build a thriving community and region.

‑Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition (http://www.marylandconsumers.org/) The Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition advances and protects fairness and justice for Maryland consumers through research, education, and advocacy.

‑Columbia‘s 45th Birthday Celebration – We purchased a brick paver and sponsored the cupcake giveaway for the event.

‑Wings of Hope (http://www.wingsofhopemd.com/) – The Wings of Hope Memorial Golf Tournament is held yearly to support nonprofits that unite families impacted by cancer. BWFA staff members Rob Carpenter and Sue Kelley participated in the event.

‑Green Spring Tennis and Educational Foundation (http://www.gstef.org) – The Green Spring Tennis & Educational Foundation helps promote the development and growth of tennis for adults and youth in the local community. BWFA was a premeir sponsor at their annual fundraiser, “What’s the Racquet? A Night of Gaming On and Off the Courts!” Eric Manas (husband of BWFA staff member Meghan Manas) represented BWFA on the courts that night!

‑Howard Tech Council – HTC is the premier forum for networking and the collaboration among technology companies in Howard County and the surrounding region. It works with the Howard County Economic Development Authority to help our area attract and support high-tech companies.

‑“BucketHead” Program – BWFA held two Life Skills Retreats in 2012 for young adults in our community. We will offer the “BucketHead” program for free in 2013, as we believe everyone could use a little help when starting down the road to financial success. Check it out at https://www.bwfa.com/buckethead-program.

‑Columbia Town Center Rotary Club (http://www.ctcrotary.org/) – The Rotary club is a group of dedicated citizens in Columbia and Howard County that
lend their hearts and hands to serve the area. BWFA will be a proud sponsor for the 3rd year in a row of the Rotary’s upcoming Sweethearts’ Ball on February 9, 2013!

‑BWFA also makes many donations throughout the year in honor of clients, staff members and Friends of the Firm. Among the many organizations we supported this year are: Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid-Atlantic, River Hill High School, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Columbia Pro Cantare, Strawberry Festival Silent Auction, Howard County General Hospital, Asbury Seminary, and My Brother’s Keeper.

By Meghan Manas