Weekly Economic Update
April 9, 2018
The Markets (as of market close April 6, 2018)
In reaction to the news on new tariffs being levied on China, stocks fell last week, stripping away the previous week’s gains. Last week, China responded to the U.S. government’s increase to tariffs on Chinese goods by announcing that it would impose 25% tariffs on several American imports, including soybeans and big-ticket items like automobiles and aircraft. So, the major indexes suffered losses last week and, except for the Nasdaq, are in the red year-to-date. Any trade war between the world’s two largest economies, although speculation at this point, could raise prices, boosting inflation – another potential ramification concerning investors. The long term potential positive effect from, lower corporate taxes, reduced regulations, and generally healthy economic conditions, should not be ignored with the recent drum beat from the media focusing on bilateral trade issues.
Last Week’s Economic Headlines
- The labor sector continued adding new jobs and average hourly earnings crept higher in March, according to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate remained at 4.1%.
- The IHS Markit final U.S. Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index™ (PMI™) showed manufacturing output and new orders rose markedly, and job creation was strong. Inflationary pressures strengthened as costs for materials used in manufacturing increased, as did prices for manufactured products.
- According to the Institute for Supply Management® Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®, manufacturing slowed in March. Nevertheless, February’s manufacturing growth was the highest in 14 years, so a slight drop-off was to be expected. Overall, the ISM® survey is still very positive in the manufacturing sector
- Growth slowed in the non-manufacturing (services) sector, according to the Institute for Supply Management®. Business activity and new orders slowed, while employment and prices increased.
- The goods and services trade deficit continued to expand through February.
Eye on the Week Ahead
This week, inflationary measures for March are found in both the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index. Also, import and export prices for March are available. This report may begin to reflect the impact, if any, of the tariffs and trade policies initiated by the present administration.
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Estate Planning:
Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs
Guest Speaker: Steve Elville
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Register today!!
A few seats remain!!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Elville and Associates invite you to a discussion about planning for your loved one with special needs. Attendees will come to understand what is involved in the planning process for a special needs family and the importance of preserving the loved one’s financial security and quality of life.
Topics to include:
- Understand what is involved in the planning process for a special needs family and the and the importance of preserving the loved one’s financial security and quality of life
- Key issues involved in special needs planning to be discussed – the role of public benefits, the ABLE Act, and using estate planning and trusts to protect assets (along with a discussion about the types of special needs trusts to consider)
- The importance of the “planning team concept” – how your planning team (financial advisor, attorney, CPA) can work together with you to provide your family peace of mind during the planning process
Estate Planning:
Protecting Your Assets Upon Your Death
Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Register today!!!
Limited Seating Available!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to this interactive workshop on, “How to protect your bloodline.”
At this workshop, you will learn to:
- If you die first, how you can make sure that the assets you leave your spouse are beyond the reach of his or her creditors?
- If you die first and your surviving spouse remarries, how can you make sure that the assets you leave your spouse do not end up in the hands of his or her next spouse?
- After you and your spouse die, how can you make sure that your assets do not get distributed to your no good son in law or daughter in law (a crowd favorite)!
- How can you make sure thatthe assets you leave your children are managed in such a away that there is something left for your grandchildren?
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Investing in Volatile Markets
Thursday, April 19, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Navigating a volatile stock market can be very difficult and an emotional experience for many. Join us to learn about techniques to deal with the market volatility and have an opportunity to ask questions about what is on your mind.
Presented by:
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Only a few seats remain!!
Register Today!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to an interactive workshop discussing the challenges and opportunities for investors during volatile markets.
At this workshop, you will learn to:
- How to effectivley deal with the stock market’s ups and downs
- What does it mean to “Stay the Course”?
- Is history repeating itself or is it different this time?
- Should I sell some of my stock investments?
- Should I move my money to cash?
- What if I need money when the market is down?
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Estate Planning:
How to be a Trustee
Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to this interactive workshop on, “How to be a Trustee.”
Many individuals are named as trustees of trusts established for family members and friends. Service as a trustee can be a thankless and confusing job. This educational seminar is intended to shed some light on what it means to serve as a trustee and to meet the requirements of serving.
- What is a trust?
- A Trustee is a “fiduciary” (what is that?)
- How to manage the finances of a trust
- Determining where and when not to make distributions from a trust
- Obligations of a Trustee under the Maryland Trust Act
- Can a trustee be paid for his/her services?
- Taxes and Tax Returns of a Trust
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Part 1 of 4-Part Series for Business Owners
Exit Strategy & Succession Planning
Guest Speaker:
Matthew F. Penater, Esq.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director M&A, BWFA
Partner, Elville and Associates
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Elville and Associates invite you to this interactive workshop on “Exiting a Business and Planning for Business Succession.”
If you are like many business owners, your business plan may focus on growth, marketing or product development, or perhaps just day-to-day survival. As a business owner, it is also important to start planning now for the eventual sale of your business.
- Developing your exit strategy team
- How much is your business worth?
- Who will buy your business?
- What will make your business attractive to buyers?
- Tax Strategies
- Legal issues to consider
- Business housekeeping
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
STAY TUNED for details on Part 2 of the Business Owner Seminar Series
Part 2:
“Showtime: Selling Your Business”
July 12, 2018
Part 3:
“Wealth Management: Constructing an investment Portfolio”
Part 4:
“Estate Planning: We Can Help with the Things that Keep You Up at Night”
Legacy Giving
Guest Speaker: Steve Elville
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Elville and Associates invite you to an interactive workshop on “Legacy Giving.”
Topics will include:
- What is philanthropy?
- Why do donors engage in philanthropic giving?
- What are the tax advantages of philanthropy?
- Creativity in planned giving.
Join us as we discuss these topics and more!
Estate Planning:
Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Dinner to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to this interactive workshop on, “Estate Planning 101”.
- Making sure your assets pass to whom you want, and how you want upon your death
- Avoid the cost, time and expense of probate
- Keep you affairs private upon your disability or death
- Insure your assets are controlled as you would wish in the event of disability
- Avoid guardianship
- Insure that your assets pass only to your bloodline after your death
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Making the Most of Medicare
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Senior Financial Planner
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to an informative discussion on the relevant details of Medicare.
Topics will include:
- How to enroll?
- What are the costs?
- How to choose the right plan?
- Where to find additional resources.
- How to “shop smart” for Medicare.
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Wellness Series:
“Stiff and Sore No More!”
With guest speaker:
Dr. Emily Telfair, N.D.
Thursday, May 17 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Staying physically active asw we age improves quality of life and enhances vitality, but when chronic pain interferes with mobility and activity, other chronic health concerns can follow. This seminar will empower you with the tools and wisdoms to improve your musculoskelatal health and approach chronic aches and pains from a more holistic and natural perspective.
Presented by:
Dr. Emily Telfair, N.D.
Naturopathic Medicine
Craniosacral Therapy
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to a Wellness Series “Stiff and Sore No More!Natural Therapies for Chronic Aches and Pains” with special guest, Dr. Emily Telfair, N.D.
Topics will include:
- How to lower inflammation and pain through diet
- Simple and natural home remedies for musculoskeletal relaxation
- A review of herbs and nutrients that calm inflammation and relieve pain
- Prevention tips to maintain healthy joints and flexibility as you age
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.