Weekly Economic Update
February 12, 2018
The Markets (as of market close February 9, 2018)
Volatility has returned to the global equity markets and has triggered a continued selloff over the past week few weeks. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has now had enough downside pressure to erase the gains from early 2018. This is a notable change from the market environment we have enjoyed over the past 15 months or so with historically low volatility. The stock market can and does experience times of uncertainty and unwarranted selling, and while it can cause great stress for investors it is important to keep a context around the current market environment. Warren Buffet, recommends keeping a level head during times of stress and uncertainty. In response to the wild market fluctuations of 2016, he told CNBC that Buy-and-Hold is still the best strategy. Remember in 2016 we experienced an 11% intra year drop in the S&P 500 and still ended up 10% on the year. The key to successful investing is to not act irrationally when dealing with short term volatility, but instead to focus on long term goals by purchasing quality securities at a discount.
This sell off is considered by most analysts to be a normal correction as opposed to a sign of an impending bear market. Though the recent drop is unsettling after 2017, the first year in history where the S&P 500 showed gains every month, we need to keep in mind that prices rising essentially straight up is very unusual and that corrections are a normal part of the market.
The best up days typically happen within a few weeks of the worst down days. For example, let’s look at the 20 year returns of the S&P 500 between 1996 and 2015. If you were to miss the ten best up days your average performance would fall from 8.18% down to 4.49%. If you missed the twenty best days, your performance would shrink to only 2.05%. BWFA will take advantage of the volatility and general stay invested so we can help our clients capture the returns they need to reach their goals.
For now, however, amid what looks to be a normal bull-market correction, the consensus is that you should take Warren Buffett’s time honored remedy of being greedy when other are fearful and fearful when others are greedy. Keep in mind corrections are normal and unpredictable. Focus on your long term goals and as always, reach out to your advisors at BWFA if you have any questions about your investment portfolio or would like to review your financial goals.
Elder Law
Guest Speaker: Steve Elville
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Learn what Elder Law Attorneys are advising clients in 2018!
An Elder Law consultation is an important part of the planning process. Attendees will learn what is involved in an Elder Law consultation, and what Elder Law attorneys are advising clients in elder Law in 2018.
Presented by:
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Reserve your spot!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to an interactive workshop on “Elder Law”.
Elder Law encompasses many things:
- Planning for individuals and families who do not have taxable estates, but who are primarily concerned about the protection of assets and addressing disability and long term care issues
- Medical assistance (Medicaid), Long-term care planning, asset protection, nursing home and assisted living selection and placement, special needs planning, guardianship, Social Security issues, Veteran’s benefits, senior housing issues, powers of attorney, advance medical directives, will, trusts, and more.
Required Minimum Distributions
Thursday, February 15, 2018
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Dinner to be provided
If you’re approaching 70, the IRS wants your IRA!
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
To be put on the wait list email Eve Kennedy @
Baby boomers who own a traditional IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other qualified retirement plan, will soon have to face taking their Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s). Suddenly, a portion of your tax-deferred savings will be taxable again and the impact on your portfolio could be significant if you’re not armed with the right information and the correct strategy.
Topics to include:
- When do I have to take my RMD – and are there exceptions?
- How much will I have to take out?
- How much will I have to pay in taxes?
- How does it impact my Social Security?
- How does it impact Medicare Premiums?
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Estate Planning:
Second Marriages
Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Register today!!!
Limited Seating Available!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to this interactive workshop on, “Smart Estate Planning for Second Marriages.”
At this workshop, you will learn to:
- Make sure that your estate is settled in accordance with your wishes, if your second spouse survives you
- Protect your assets after your death if your new spouse and children do not get along
- How to have your assets managed if you become disabled or die first
- How to protect your assets after you pass from a surviving, second spend thrift spouse
- The precautions to take to protect your assets before you marry again
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
What’s Your Retirement Number?
Thursday, March 1, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
What do you need for the rest of your life, and what will is cost?
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Register today!!!
Filling up fast!!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to a discussion on:
- Have you saved enough for retirement?
- Can you retire?
- How much income do you need in retirement?
- How much income can you expect to generate in your retirement from your investments?
- How can you reduce the risk of outliving your assets?
- How do you manage your investment return in retirement?
- How do you switch from accumulation to generating an income stream?
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
New Tax Law
Do you have questions regarding the new tax laws?
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Lex Ruygrok, CPA
Tax Consultant
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to a discussion on how the new tax law will impact your investments and estate plan.
The complexity of the new tax law affects wealth planning, home ownership and investment portfolios in ways that are different for everyone.
Learn how these changes will affect you and your investments and how BWFA is able to assist you along the way.
Topics to include:
- Three tax strategies that will save you money
- Specific tax code provisions that you need to know
- How to lower your tax bill
- How to avoid costly penalties
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Estate Planning:
How to Avoid Probate Court
Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Dinner to be provided
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to this interactive workshop on, how to avoid probate court.
At this workshop, you will learn to:
- Reduce the cost of settling your affairs upon your death by 60-70%
- Keep all of your personal affairs private if you become disabled and when you pass
- Avoid the time and expense of probate upon your death
- Be confident that you, and not some court, will be in charge of your assets upon disability or death
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
Assisted Living
Guest Speaker: Steve Elville
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Reserve your spot!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to an interactive workshop on “Selecting an Assisted Living Facility/Community.”
Topics to include:
- Broad overview of assisted living options
- Challenges associated with downsizing
- Cost, amenities, financial stability and quality of care
- Reputation, resident’s rights, estate planning considerations
- Long-term care skilled nursing concerns
- Estate planning considerations
Roth vs. Traditional IRA
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provide
Roth IRAs and 401(k)s can be extremely beneficial for retirement investors. This BWFA workshop will show you how to take advantage of both of them.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to a discussion on:
- Positioning your assets before you retire
- Reducing your taxes during retirement
- Extending the life of your financial assets
- Creating tax planning flexibility during retirement
Please join us as we discuss these topics and more.
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