Weekly Economic Update: November 20, 2017

Weekly Economic Update
November 20, 2017
The Markets (as of market close November 17, 2017)
Last week saw a mixed bag of returns as the large caps of the Dow and S&P 500 lost value for the second consecutive week, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq and small caps of the Russell 2000 posted gains. Major gains from consumer companies weren’t enough to offset falling energy stock prices. On the other hand, the Nasdaq and the Russell 2000 both posted gains.
Long-term bond prices didn’t move much, as the yield on 10-year Treasuries inched up only 2 basis points.
The price of crude oil (WTI) fell from the prior week, and the price of gold (COMEX) climbed up from the prior week’s price of $1,276.30.
 Last Week’s Economic Headlines
  • Prices producers receive for goods and services climbed slightly in October, and over the past 12 months ended in October, producer prices are up 2.8% – the largest rise since an advance of 2.8% for the 12 months ended February 2012. Generally, as producer prices rise, these increases get passed through to consumers.
  • While producer prices have risen, that increase hasn’t been reflected in consumer prices – at least not yet. For October, consumer prices rose just a small bit.
  • Soft consumer prices may be encouraging increased consumer purchases as retail sales in October were up from September and up 4.7% over the last 12 months.
  • October, the first month of fiscal 2018 for the federal Treasury, saw a monthly deficit.
  • Industrial production rose and manufacturing both rose in October, boosted by a return to normal operations after hurricanes Harvey and Irma suppressed production in August and September.
  • October was a very solid month for new home construction.
Eye on the Week Ahead
Thanksgiving week is relatively quiet in terms of economic news. The report on existing home sales for October follows on the heels of September’s positive returns. Another important economic report on orders for durable goods is also out this week.
We continue to see reasonably solid economic news; causing BWFA models to stay fully invested with continued focus on foreign growth investments, as well as U.S. based growth investments.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!
Charitable Giving & Philanthropy, Endowments and Foundations
Thursday, December 7, 2017
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Katherine Keefe
Executive Director 
The Columbia Orchestra
Jason Love
Music Director
The Columbia Orchestra
Stephen R. Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Beverly White-Seals
President & CEO
Community Foundation of 
Howard County
Sign up today!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to a round table discussion on charitable giving & philanthropy, endowments and foundations.
This discussion will include:
  • Donor-Advised Funds
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Private Foundations
  • Gifting Complex Assets
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
Internship Open House
Thursday, December 28, 2017
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
BWFA is looking for Summer Interns!
Will your college student be home for Winter Break? Sign them up to learn more about BWFA and the opportunities available.
Presented by:
Rob Carpenter
President and CEO
Meghan Manas
Director of Client Services
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Thad Ismart, 
Rachel Duncan
Tax Advisor
Register today!!!
 Please email Eve Kennedy for further information


Does your child have an interest in learning more about financial services?
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites your college student to an interactive workshop on internship opportunities.
Topics to include:
  • Overview of Financial Services
  • Tax Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Customer Service
  • Investment Portfolio Management
  • Business Services
  • Marketing
Please come prepared with copies of your resume! We will be scheduling interviews after the presentation.
Roth vs. Traditional IRA
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Are your retirement savings allocated correctly?
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Thad Ismart, 
There are still seats available! 
Roth IRA’s and 401(k)s can be extremely beneficial for retirement investors. This BWFA workshop will show you how to take advantage of both of them.
This discussion will include:
  • Positioning your assets before you retire
  • Reducing your taxes during retirement
  • Extending the life of your financial assets
  • Creating tax planning flexibility during retirement
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
Social Security and Planning
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Back by Popular Demand!!
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Thad Ismart, 
Sign up today!
Limited seating available!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to this interactive workshop discussion on:
This discussion will include:
  • How work, age and marital status affect your benefits
  • Synchronizing spousal benefits
  • Minimizing taxes on your benefits
  • Integrating Social Security with other retirement income
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
Identity Theft
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Are you protected?
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Ananta Hejeebu
Howard Tech Advisors
Sign up today!
Space is Limited!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Howard Tech Advisors invite you to a discussion on identity theft.
In 2015 $15 billion was stolen from 13.1 million U.S. consumers. What will identity theft cost you?
  • What is identity theft?
  • What are the risks?
  • How does identity theft happen?
  • What to do if your identity has been stolen?
  • How to be proactive to prevent identity theft?
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
Exit Strategies for 
Business Owners
With Guest Speaker:
Matthew Penater, Esq. of Elville and Associates 
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Brian MacMillan
Managing Director
Matthew Penater, Esq.
 Elville and Associates
Sign up today!
Space is Limited!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Elville and Associates invite you to a seminar on Exit Strategies for Business Owners.
Topics to Include:
  • Exit Strategies for a Single-Person Owned Business
  • Buy-Sell Agreements
  • Methods of Setting the Purchase Price
  • Funding the Purchase
  • Other Provisions
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
Estate Planning:
 Are you protected from
 “The Bad Guys”?
With Guest Speaker:
Gary Greenwald Esq.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Presented by:
Sandy Hornor
Managing Director,
Wealth Managment
Gary Greenwald, Esq. 
Sign up today!
Space is Limited!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors and Gary Greenwald, Esq. invite you to a round table discussion on asset protection  for surviving spouses and children. You can’t take it with you, but you can protect it from “The Bad Guys”.
Topics to Include:
  • If your spouse survives you, to whom do you want your assets to ultimately pass – to your children or to their new step parent?
  • If your spouse survives you, would you like to shield the assets you leave him or her from creditors?
  • After you and your spouse die, would you like the assets you left to a child who dies to ultimately pass to your grandchildren or to your son-in-law or daughter-in-law?
Come join us as we discuss these issues and much more!
Alzheimer’s vs. Dementia- What is the Difference?
Friday, December 15, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Special Guest Speakers:
Steve Elville and Penny Graf
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Penny Graf LCSW-C,
Steve Elville, Esq.
Elville and Associates
Sign up today!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors, Elville and Associates and Ferretto Eldercare Consulting, invite you to theis interactive seminar on “The Differnce Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s”
Topics to Include:
  • Many types of Dementia’s – No Once Size Fits All
  • A thorough medical evaluation is key
  • Gather a team
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
What You Need to Know
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Lunch to be provided
Back by Popular Demand!!
Presented by:
Townsend Hornor, Jr.
Managing Director,
Wealth Management
Thad Ismart, 
Sign up today!
Limited seating available!
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invites you to this interactive workshop discussion on:
This discussion will include:
  • Avoiding the common mistakes
  • Have you saved enough?
  • Creating a vision – where will you live, what will you be doing, who will you live near?
  • Evaluating your retirement savings
  • Social Security
  • Healthcare options/choices
  • Creating a retirement paycheck
  • Tax implications
  • Asset allocation strategies for retirement
Come join us as we discuss these issues and more!
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