Investment Management

  • Determining if Markets Are Overvalued or Undervalued: The Fed Model

    Market analysts use various quantitative measurements to assess where the market is and where it might be going. While none of these measurements is accurate all the time, one of them has gained wide support among analysts, and even some… Read More

  • College Savings with Tax Deductions

    Section 529 College Savings Plans allow parents and grandparents to set aside significant amounts of money for the higher education expenses of their children and grandchildren. They were authorized by a 1997 federal bill but are run by the individual… Read More

  • Beware: Brokers Offer New Program

    We believe that it is important for investors to understand how and how much they are paying for investment advisory services. In many cases, the fees investors pay are deliberately obscured, and hidden from view. It is in this regard… Read More

  • Probability of Gains Within the Year Is High

    As we all know, the performance of the stock market has been pretty bad lately. The S&P 500 was down about 10% last year and down another 12% in the first quarter of this year. In times like these, it’s… Read More

  • The Tools We Use

    This month, we thought you would like to know a little about the technology we use to do what we do. One of the most important sources of investment information for us comes from Bloomberg. Bloomberg, one of the most… Read More

  • Individual vs. Commingled Accounts? No Contest!

    This year nearly 2000 financial advisors paid an average of $900 to attend Charles Schwab Institutional’s (CSI) annual conference. The main topic of the conference was Schwab’s new service, called Managed Account Connection (MAC). The MAC service provides advisors a… Read More

  • Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. What About Investment Performance?

    In this quarter’s newsletter I am skipping the usual “educational” character of our investment articles, and will instead give you some news about investment performance so far this year. The Wall Street Journal (10/1/99) reports that the average stock fund lost… Read More

  • The Buy/Sell Decision Process

    After we have completed the planning process, determined income and growth requirements, organized distributions, quantified attitudes toward risk, and settled on an appropriate investment model, we then have to select investments and buy them. We use two types of analysis… Read More

  • Investor Perception vs. Investment Performance

    Barron’s, the highly respected financial weekly, last week stated that “Financial planners who manage money for clients are proving to be a fair weather lot.” The article was making the observation that a growing number of money managers (mostly those… Read More

  • Are Low Dividend Yields Important?

    Understanding dividends is important to understanding your investments. With dividend rates at an all-time low, some investors are worried that the markets are poised for a severe pull-back. In this article we examine dividend trends and offer our opinion about… Read More

  • A Trading Range Ahead

    Confidence in the markets has been undermined by political uncertainties, ongoing international turmoil, and persistent concern over declining growth in corporate earnings. But most of all, the concern has been over the market itself. The strategy of buying on dips… Read More

  • Sign of the Bear?

    We frequently write in our newsletter about indicators we follow to give us some clue as to where the market may be going. The Advance/Decline ratio is another such indicator, and measures the strength of the stock market. It’s been… Read More

  • It’s a Marathon – Not a Sprint

    There are many methodologies to make money in the financial markets, including Value Investing, Market Timing, Fundamental Investing, Momentum Investing, Asset Allocation and Technical Investing. Each has its own methods and “rules” for selecting specific investments and managing investment portfolios…. Read More