WEBINAR: Financial Planning for Families


For decades, Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors has provided customized wealth management services to families. We begin by helping you to identify your family’s wealth management priorities. With your priorities in mind, we utilize our experience in managing investment portfolios, designing and building financial plans and tax strategies to deliver you and your family a truly exceptional family wealth plan, that helps you to achieve your goals and dreams now and for future generations. 
Thursday, February 23, 2023 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM EST
  • Identifying your family wealth management priorities
  • Retirement projections and scenarios for your family wealth
  • Cash flow and debt management for your family wealth
  • Investments, how to manage for a family vs. an individual
  • Education planning for a family
  • Family tax planning and strategies vs. tax preparation
  • Insurance needs for the entire family
  • Estate planning for this generation and beyond
Managing Director, Wealth Management
& Executive Manager
Senior Tax & Planning Advisor
We hope you can join us!

Robert Carpenter

President and CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.
For questions or help registering please contact,
Cortney Caronna | Marketing Associate | BWFA | emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900

BWFA is proud to offer several webinars every week on a variety

of financial topics as well as lifestyle and wellness topics.
Webinars are complimentary and are easily accessed through Zoom.
Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested
as well, they can virtually participate from anywhere in the world!
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a complimentary consultation via
phone or Zoom, please email Cortney Caronna at ccaronna@bwfa.com.
View and signup for Upcoming Webinars at the link below.