
WEBINAR: Understanding the Difference Between Alzheimer’s & Dementia with Jill Rosner, RN

Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors invite you to an interactive discussion on  the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia with aging life care expert, Jill Rosner, RN.
Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
  • Discuss Alzheimer Disease and Dementia – What do these terms mean?
  • Discuss symptoms and behaviors of the disease
  • Examine the brain model and its importance in identifying from where behaviors arise
  • Managing challenging behaviors and discussing possible causes
  • Progression of the disease – Discuss the early, moderate and late stages
  • Medications – Are they the answer? Increase awareness
  • Incompetent vs. Incapable – What are the definitions?
  • The importance of Advanced Directives or MOLST
  • Caregiver burnout – Who does that include? What are symptoms? How can you manage it?
Senior Client Associate,  BWFA
Founder, Rosner Healthcare Navigation
Jill Rosner, RN, BSN, CCM® is the founder of Rosner Healthcare Navigation, providing healthcare consulting, care management, and advocacy services, as well as home safety and risk assessments, to clients and their families. As a Certified Care Manager® and registered nurse, Jill has witnessed countless patients and caregivers struggle to navigate the complex healthcare system in search of appropriate medical solutions.
Jill has more than 30 years of medical experience as a registered nurse. Her deep understanding of healthcare enables her to work with patients, families, and medical professionals to explain complex issues and find the right solutions.
We hope you can join us!

Robert Carpenter

President and CEO

BWFA is a Fee-Only/Fiduciary Advisor.

For questions or help registering please contact,

Cortney Caronna | Marketing Associate | BWFA |  emailus@bwfa.com | 410-461-3900

BWFA is proud to offer several webinars every week on a variety
of financial topics as well as lifestyle and wellness topics.
Webinars are complimentary and are easily accessed through Zoom.
Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family who may be interested
as well, they can virtually participate from anywhere in the world!
Additionally, if you’d like to schedule a complimentary consultation via
phone or Zoom, please email Cortney Caronna at ccaronna@bwfa.com.
View and signup for Upcoming Webinars at the link below.

BWFA, 5950 Symphony Woods Rd., Ste. 600, Columbia, MD 21044
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