Samantha Carpenter
Digital Communications Specialist
Samantha Carpenter
Digital Communications Specialist
Samantha Carpenter graduated summa cum laude from The George Washington University’s Corcoran School of Arts and Design where she earned her BFA in Graphic Design.
Serving as a Digital Communications Specialist at BWFA, Samantha helps support various aspects of the firm’s communications and works to connect with and engage digital audiences through the lens of design. Samantha has enjoyed seeing the firm’s growth over the years from the time she began as an intern. She is continuously inspired by her co-workers.
Prior to joining BWFA, Samantha worked as a Studio Assistant and Community Arts Educator at the National Gallery of Art and as a Design Intern for Spaeth Hill in Alexandria, VA. Currently, Samantha lives in Washington, DC with her four roommates. Outside of work she enjoys cooking, watercolor painting and hiking. Recently, she co-founded a nonprofit organization called Girlz By Design with her two roommates where she leads various design thinking workshops with high schools in the DC area.